Veteran radio host, DJ and drive time hawk, Klenam Anatsui, (a.k.a. Heavy Didley Dee), takes over as host of Max Drive, from Tuesday, February 23, 2021.
Heavy takes the baton from DJ Laposta, who formally introduced him live on Monday’s edition of Max Drive.
DJ Laposta, longtime host of the Drive programme, takes a well-earned rest to re-emerge in an exciting new role as part of Max FM’s strategic drive to introduce more responsive and audience-friendly programming.
Heavy Dee, brings years of critical experience to the drive time console and massive fire-power to the drive.
Hitherto, the versatile Heavy Dee has been the host of a trio of programmed on Max89.7FM: “LOVE NOTES”, “KETEKE” and “REGGAE KAFE”. While the first two will be merged into the Tuesday and Friday editions of Max Drive respectively, the latter, “Reggae Kafe” stays put at 8:00pm to 10:30pm. on Saturdays.
Keep your dial on Max89.7FM … and stay tuned for more …