On Tuesday, 22 September 2020, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, inaugurated the newly-created Oti Regional House of Chiefs, as well as the reconstituted Northern Regional House of Chiefs in Dambai and Tamale, respectively.
According to Dr Bawumia, the creation of six new regions, has re-demarcated the administrative boundaries of the country, hence the need for the creation and reconstitution of regional houses of chiefs for affected boundaries.
At the two events, Dr Bawumia recalled the crucial roles chiefs played in the liberation of the country.
“Our traditional authorities continue to contribute immensely to the success of our modern-day democracy,” he said.
Dr Bawumia noted that the government of President Akufo-Addo recognises the indispensable role of chiefs in the country’s governance structure, and has, thus, increased various support for the chieftaincy institution, including 100% increase in monthly allowance, the GHS3.5 million support for the construction of the National House of Chiefs Secretariat as well as the institution of capacity building programmes, among others.